Version: 2020.3
语言: 中文


class in UnityEditor



SettingsProvider 是一个配置类,用于指定如何在 Settings 或 Preferences 窗口中显示项目设置或偏好设置。

若要添加新的项目设置或偏好设置页面,请定义 SettingsProvider。SettingsProvider 类提供挂钩来显示任何 UI(使用 IMGUI 或 UIElements 来绘制它)。它还提供一个 API,让您以两种方式指定在 Settings 窗口和 Preferences 窗口中使用的关键字:

1) 搜索栏会过滤掉没有匹配关键字的 SettingsProviders。

2) 用匹配的关键字突出显示属性标签。

此示例将演示创建和配置不同 SettingsProviders 的多种方式:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;

// Create a new type of Settings Asset. class MyCustomSettings : ScriptableObject { public const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset";

[SerializeField] private int m_Number;

[SerializeField] private string m_SomeString;

internal static MyCustomSettings GetOrCreateSettings() { var settings = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MyCustomSettings>(k_MyCustomSettingsPath); if (settings == null) { settings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyCustomSettings>(); settings.m_Number = 42; settings.m_SomeString = "The answer to the universe"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(settings, k_MyCustomSettingsPath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } return settings; }

internal static SerializedObject GetSerializedSettings() { return new SerializedObject(GetOrCreateSettings()); } }

// Register a SettingsProvider using IMGUI for the drawing framework: static class MyCustomSettingsIMGUIRegister { [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Project Settings window. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomIMGUISettings", SettingsScope.Project) { // By default the last token of the path is used as display name if no label is provided. label = "Custom IMGUI", // Create the SettingsProvider and initialize its drawing (IMGUI) function in place: guiHandler = (searchContext) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_Number"), new GUIContent("My Number")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), new GUIContent("My String")); settings.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); },

// Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Number", "Some String" }) };

return provider; } }

// Register a SettingsProvider using UIElements for the drawing framework: static class MyCustomSettingsUIElementsRegister { [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { // First parameter is the path in the Settings window. // Second parameter is the scope of this setting: it only appears in the Settings window for the Project scope. var provider = new SettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomUIElementsSettings", SettingsScope.Project) { label = "Custom UI Elements", // activateHandler is called when the user clicks on the Settings item in the Settings window. activateHandler = (searchContext, rootElement) => { var settings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings();

// rootElement is a VisualElement. If you add any children to it, the OnGUI function // isn't called because the SettingsProvider uses the UIElements drawing framework. var styleSheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<StyleSheet>("Assets/Editor/settings_ui.uss"); rootElement.styleSheets.Add(styleSheet); var title = new Label() { text = "Custom UI Elements" }; title.AddToClassList("title"); rootElement.Add(title);

var properties = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column } }; properties.AddToClassList("property-list"); rootElement.Add(properties);

properties.Add(new PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"))); properties.Add(new PropertyField(settings.FindProperty("m_Number")));

rootElement.Bind(settings); },

// Populate the search keywords to enable smart search filtering and label highlighting: keywords = new HashSet<string>(new[] { "Number", "Some String" }) };

return provider; } }

// Create MyCustomSettingsProvider by deriving from SettingsProvider: class MyCustomSettingsProvider : SettingsProvider { private SerializedObject m_CustomSettings;

class Styles { public static GUIContent number = new GUIContent("My Number"); public static GUIContent someString = new GUIContent("Some string"); }

const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset"; public MyCustomSettingsProvider(string path, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.User) : base(path, scope) {}

public static bool IsSettingsAvailable() { return File.Exists(k_MyCustomSettingsPath); }

public override void OnActivate(string searchContext, VisualElement rootElement) { // This function is called when the user clicks on the MyCustom element in the Settings window. m_CustomSettings = MyCustomSettings.GetSerializedSettings(); }

public override void OnGUI(string searchContext) { // Use IMGUI to display UI: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomSettings.FindProperty("m_Number"), Styles.number); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomSettings.FindProperty("m_SomeString"), Styles.someString); m_CustomSettings.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); }

// Register the SettingsProvider [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateMyCustomSettingsProvider() { if (IsSettingsAvailable()) { var provider = new MyCustomSettingsProvider("Project/MyCustomSettingsProvider", SettingsScope.Project);

// Automatically extract all keywords from the Styles. provider.keywords = GetSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentProperties<Styles>(); return provider; }

// Settings Asset doesn't exist yet; no need to display anything in the Settings window. return null; } }


activateHandler重载 SettingsProvider.OnActivate。
deactivateHandler重载 SettingsProvider.OnDeactivate。
footerBarGuiHandler重载 SettingsProvider.OnFooterBarGUI。
guiHandler重载 SettingsProvider.OnGUI。
hasSearchInterestHandler重载 SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest。
inspectorUpdateHandler重写 SettingsProvider.OnInspectorUpdate。
keywords获取或设置关键字列表,以便将这些关键字与用户正在搜索的内容进行比较。当用户在 Settings 窗口的搜索框中输入值时,SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest 会尝试将这些关键字与此列表进行匹配。
label获取或设置 SettingsProvider 在 Settings 窗口中的显示名称。如果未设置,Settings 窗口将改用 SettingsProvider.settingsPath 的最后一个标记。
scope获取 SettingsProvider 的范围。该范围确定 SettingsProvider 显示在 Preferences 窗口 (SettingsScope.User) 中还是显示在 Settings 窗口 (SettingsScope.Project) 中。
settingsPath获取用于将 SettingsProvider 放置在 Settings 窗口的树视图中的路径。该路径在所有其他设置路径中应该具有唯一性,并且应该将“/”用作分隔符。
titleBarGuiHandler重载 SettingsProvider.OnTitleBarGUI。


SettingsProvider创建新的 SettingsProvider。


HasSearchInterest检查用户在 Settings 窗口搜索框中键入内容时是否应显示 SettingsProvider。SettingsProvider 尝试将搜索词(甚至搜索词一部分)与任何 SettingsProvider.keywords 匹配。该搜索不区分大小写。
OnActivate用户单击 Settings 窗口中的 Settings 时,使用此函数来实现处理程序。可以从此函数获取设置资源或设置 UIElements UI。
OnDeactivate用户单击另一设置或者 Settings 窗口关闭时,使用此函数来实现处理程序。
OnFooterBarGUI使用此函数通过 IMGUI 来重载 SettingsProvider 的页脚绘制。
OnGUI使用此函数基于 IMGUI 来绘制 UI。此情况下假设您没有向传递给 OnActivate 函数的 rootElement 添加任何子项。
OnInspectorUpdateOnInspectorUpdate 以每秒 10 帧的速度调用,以便检视面板有机会进行更新。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 EditorWindow.OnInspectorUpdate。
OnTitleBarGUI使用此函数通过 IMGUI 来重载 SettingsProvider 的标题绘制。因此您可以在标题旁边添加自定义 UI(例如工具栏按钮)。AssetSettingsProvider 使用此机制来显示“add to preset”和“help”按钮。
Repaint请求 SettingsWindow 以进行重绘。


GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObject从 SerializedObject 的序列化属性提取搜索关键字。