Version: 2020.3
语言: 中文


class in UnityEditor



User settings for Unity Editor.

Use EditorSettings to apply Editor Project Settings to your Unity Project. You can control settings such as version control, streaming settings, and Asset serialization.

See Also: Editor Project Settings


assetNamingUsesSpaceControls whether to insert a space before a number in duplicated Asset names.
assetPipelineMode选择 Assetpipeline 模式。
asyncShaderCompilation在 Game 视图和 Scene 视图中启用异步着色器编译。
cacheServerEnableAuthToggle whether to enable authentication to cache server.
cacheServerEnableTlsToggle whether to enable TLS encryption to cache server.
cacheServerEndpoint缓存服务器终端 IP 地址
cachingShaderPreprocessorEnables the Caching Shader Preprocessor (experimental).
enableCookiesInLightmapperDetermines whether cookies should be evaluated by the Progressive Lightmapper during Global Illumination calculations.
enableTextureStreamingInEditMode在编辑模式下启用纹理 Mipmap 串流系统。
enableTextureStreamingInPlayMode在播放模式下启用纹理 Mipmap 串流系统。
enterPlayModeOptions在 Unity 编辑器中确定进入运行模式选项的状态。
enterPlayModeOptionsEnabledDetermines whether the Enter Play Mode Options are enabled in the Unity Editor or not.
gameObjectNamingDigitsIndicates the amount of digits to use for the numbers in a duplicated GameoObject's name.
gameObjectNamingSchemeIndicates which naming scheme to use for duplicated GameObjects.
prefabModeAllowAutoSaveAllow Auto Save in Prefab Mode for this project.
prefabUIEnvironment允许指定一个场景用作 UI 预制件的编辑环境。
projectGenerationBuiltinExtensions将包含在 Unity 生成的 c# 项目中的内置文件扩展名列表。
projectGenerationRootNamespace控制将哪个根命名空间写入 Unity 生成的 c# .csproj 项目。
projectGenerationUserExtensions控制将包含在 Unity 生成的 c# .csproj 项目中的文件扩展名列表。
serializeInlineMappingsOnOneLineForces Unity to write references and other inline mappings on one line, to help reduce version control noise.
spritePackerPaddingPower值为 2 的幂数,用于为打包到图集 (Legacy Sprite Packer) 的精灵添加边界(填充)。
unityRemoteCompression获取或设置用于 Unity Remote 屏幕流的压缩方法。
unityRemoteDevice获取或设置用于 Unity Remote 功能的设备 ID。
unityRemoteJoystickSource获取或设置在连接 Unity Remote 时编辑器中使用的操纵杆源。
unityRemoteResolution获取或设置用于 Unity Remote 屏幕流的分辨率。
useLegacyProbeSampleCount通过渐进光照贴图 (Progressive Lightmapper) 为烘焙光照探针启用旧版固定样本数量。