Version: 2020.3


class in UnityEditor



Generic class for storing Editor state.

The ScriptableSingleton generic class allows you to create 'Manager' type classes in the Unity Editor. In classes that derive from ScriptableSingleton, serializable data you add survives assembly reloading in the Editor. Also, if the class uses the FilePathAttribute, the serializable data persists between sessions of Unity.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

[FilePath("SomeSubFolder/", FilePathAttribute.Location.PreferencesFolder)] public class MySingleton : ScriptableSingleton<MySingleton> { [SerializeField] float m_Number = 42;

[SerializeField] List<string> m_Strings = new List<string>();

public void Modify() { m_Number *= 2; m_Strings.Add("Foo" + m_Number);

Save(true); Debug.Log("Saved to: " + GetFilePath()); }

public void Log() { Debug.Log("MySingleton state: " + JsonUtility.ToJson(this, true)); } }

static class MySingletonMenuItems { [MenuItem("SingletonTest/Log")] static void LogMySingletonState() { MySingleton.instance.Log(); }

[MenuItem("SingletonTest/Modify")] static void ModifyMySingletonState() { MySingleton.instance.Modify(); } }


instanceGets the instance of the Singleton. Unity creates the Singleton instance when this property is accessed for the first time. If you use the FilePathAttribute, then Unity loads the data on the first access as well.


SaveSaves the current state of the ScriptableSingleton.


GetFilePathGet the file path where this ScriptableSingleton is saved to.