Use the AnimationWindow class to select and edit Animation clips.
The Animation window will update when selecting Animation clips in the Project window or game objects with Animation players (such as Animator or Animation) in the Scene hierarchy.
animationClip | The animation clip selected in the Animation window. |
canPreview | True if Animation window can enable preview mode. False otherwise. (Read Only) |
canRecord | True if Animation window can enable recording mode. False otherwise. (Read Only) |
frame | The frame number at which the Animation window playhead is located. |
playing | This property toggles animation playback in the Animation window. |
previewing | This property toggles previewing in the Animation window. |
recording | This property toggles recording in the Animation window. |
time | The time value at which the Animation window playhead is located. |
focusedWindow | 当前已获得键盘焦点的 EditorWindow。(只读) |
mouseOverWindow | 当前在鼠标光标下的 EditorWindow。(只读) |
autoRepaintOnSceneChange | 窗口是否会在场景每次发生变化时自动重绘? |
docked | Returns true if EditorWindow is docked. |
hasFocus | Returns true if EditorWindow is focused. |
hasUnsavedChanges | When set to true in a derived class, the editor will prompt the user to save unsaved changes if the window is about to be closed. |
maximized | 此窗口是否已最大化? |
maxSize | 此窗口的最大大小。 |
minSize | 此窗口的最小大小。 |
position | 窗口在屏幕空间中的理想位置。 |
rootVisualElement | 获取窗口层级视图的根视觉元素。 |
saveChangesMessage | The message that displays to the user if they are prompted to save |
titleContent | 用于绘制 EditorWindow 标题的 GUIContent。 |
wantsLessLayoutEvents | Specifies whether a layout pass is performed before all user events (for example, EventType.MouseDown or [[EventType, KeyDown]]), or is only performed before repaint events. |
wantsMouseEnterLeaveWindow | 检查是否已在此编辑器窗口的 GUI 中收到 MouseEnterWindow 和 MouseLeaveWindow 事件。 |
wantsMouseMove | 检查是否已在此编辑器窗口的 GUI 中收到 MouseMove 事件。 |
BeginWindows | 标记所有弹出窗口的开始区域。 |
Close | 关闭编辑器窗口。 |
EndWindows | 关闭由 EditorWindow.BeginWindows 开始的窗口组。 |
Focus | 将键盘焦点移动到另一个 EditorWindow。 |
GetExtraPaneTypes | 获取与窗口关联的额外窗格。 |
RemoveNotification | 停止显示通知消息。 |
Repaint | 重绘窗口。 |
SaveChanges | Performs a save action on the contents of the window. |
SendEvent | 将事件发送到窗口。 |
Show | 显示 EditorWindow 窗口。 |
ShowAsDropDown | 显示包含下拉菜单和样式的窗口。 |
ShowAuxWindow | 在辅助窗口中显示编辑器窗口。 |
ShowModal | 显示模态编辑器窗口。 |
ShowModalUtility | 将 EditorWindow 显示为浮动模态窗口。 |
ShowNotification | 显示通知消息。 |
ShowPopup | 使用弹出式框架显示编辑器窗口。 |
ShowUtility | 将 EditorWindow 显示为浮动实用程序窗口。 |
CreateWindow | 创建类型为 T 的 EditorWindow。 |
FocusWindowIfItsOpen | 聚焦发现的第一个指定类型的 EditorWindow(如果已打开)。 |
GetWindow | 返回当前屏幕上第一个 t 类型的 EditorWindow。 |
GetWindowWithRect | 返回当前屏幕上第一个 t 类型的 EditorWindow。 |
HasOpenInstances | 检查编辑器窗口是否已打开。 |
Awake | 在新窗口打开时调用。 |
CreateGUI | CreateGUI is called when the EditorWindow's rootVisualElement is ready to be populated. |
hasUnsavedChanges | When set to true in a derived class, the editor will prompt the user to save unsaved changes if the window is about to be closed. |
OnDestroy | 调用 OnDestroy 以关闭 EditorWindow 窗口。 |
OnFocus | 在窗口获得键盘焦点时调用。 |
OnGUI | 在此处实现您自己的 Editor GUI。 |
OnHierarchyChange | 处理程序,用于在层级视图中的对象或对象组发生更改时发送的消息。 |
OnInspectorUpdate | OnInspectorUpdate 以每秒 10 帧的速度调用,以便检视面板有机会进行更新。 |
OnLostFocus | 在窗口失去键盘焦点时调用。 |
OnProjectChange | 处理程序,用于在项目状态发生更改时发送的消息。 |
OnSelectionChange | 每当选择发生更改时调用。 |
saveChangesMessage | The message that displays to the user if they are prompted to save |
Update | 在所有可见窗口上每秒调用多次。 |