XR 是一个统称,包括以下类型的应用程序:
Unity 与战略合作伙伴紧密合作,以确保创作者在为 Unity 支持的平台开发内容时获得所需的所有支持。这涉及深度平台集成、Unity 引擎改进以及每个平台的 XR 技术堆栈优化。
Unity supports these platforms for XR:
Unity does not support XR on WebGL.
Unity 开发了一个名为 XR SDK 的新插件框架,该框架使 XR 提供程序可与 Unity 引擎集成并充分利用其功能。这种基于插件的方法提高了 Unity 的能力,可以快速修复错误,从平台合作伙伴分发 SDK 更新,以及支持新的 XR 设备和运行时,而无需修改核心引擎。了解更多相关信息:
The AR overview page details how to get started with creating an AR application, lists the packages you need to download, and offers related links to additional documentation. Unity recommends downloading the AR Template from the Unity Hub to create your application for Unity’s supported handheld and wearable AR devices.
The VR overview page details how to get started creating a VR application, lists the packages you need to download, and offers related links to additional documentation. To start, Unity recommends downloading the VR Template from the Unity Hub to create your application for Unity’s supported VR devices.
此 AR Foundation Samples GitHub 代码仓库包含有关如何使用 Unity AR Foundation API 的示例。